Why Tech Feels Tired


We still have two months to go in 2023. A lot can and will likely happen. However, we are already able to point to a few broad tech themes that have come to define the year.

  • Imagination has escaped the paid video space as companies shift their efforts to improve user monetization. Password sharing crackdowns, ad tiers, and price increases have been leading the industry’s new cycle. Consumers have become somewhat downbeat of what seems like retrogression to traditional cable bundle dynamics on a few fronts in paid streaming.

  • Generative AI certainly captured this year’s tech hype cycle but most of the consumer-oriented early examples involving the technology fall short on the excitement and intrigue fronts.

  • EVs remain a very complicated industry with plenty of questions regarding just how much progress is being made.

  • The consumer gadget recession rages on and has contributed to a wave of HW executive turnover and changing hardware strategies.

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