Our Memories Are Under Attack

Last week, Procreate, a popular art studio app for iPad, made waves by declaring it was not going to introduce any generative AI into its products. According to James Cuda, Procreate’s CEO and co-founder, the decision amounted to being “on the right path supporting human creativity.” The stance stood in stark contrast to what we have seen from Big Tech. We are witnessing a broader conflict surrounding the positioning of technology against humanity. Ultimately, the battle is for our memories. 

Over the past year, we have twice talked about my fears associated with AI. Last October, we looked at how Google Pixel’s photo editing features made me nervous. More recently, in May, we referenced how the downsides associated with AI harming imagination were significant. As more industry players point out these concerns, the outlines of where the debate is found are appearing. 

A question that some are grappling with is whether or not generative AI amounts to Photoshop and Procreate on steroids. Are we ultimately debating what are enhanced editing and creativity features?

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