Humane’s Unimaginative Pin 


After what seemed like a never-ending stream of teases and leaks, Humane finally revealed its hyped product: Ai Pin. It’s a wearable camera worn on clothing that is meant to move people beyond smartphones. While the company has received some accolades for simply getting to the point of announcing a new product – something that strikes me as being an awfully low bar to get over – there has been no shortage of skepticism and doubt. The actual 10-minute reveal video was one of the worst I’ve seen in consumer tech. I can only imagine the video and delivery, which is completely void of excitement or joy, is exactly what Humane’s co-founders envisioned. Dissenting opinions, if there were even any, must have been shunned. For me, the bigger issue at play with Humane is the company’s overall lack of imagination.

Humane was able to do something that up to now seemed very difficult: make the iPhone unveiling in 2007 look like something from the future.

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